We live in customer centric times

Tomasz Urbaszek
5 min readAug 28, 2017
Created by Makyzz — Freepik.com

A customer is the most important part of any business. We should remember this fact and use it wisely. Young entrepreneurs usually start their business journey with books covering customer development approach and this makes me believe that in next few years we as customers will be paid proper attention more often.

One could say: That‘s because they want to sell you the product! No, it’s because they want you to buy their product. It makes a difference. Nowadays creating a product is not only about manufacturing the best thing. It also includes creating a brand and building a relationship which over time will transform into a great life time value ($$).

The relationship is the greatest asset of any company. It’s like a friendship, leading to many wonderful customer stories and creating a profit for you. However, if you want to experience such customer story you have to start it. You must ask. Have you ever tried that? I have and I am going to tell you the story.

My happy customer story

Hawkers not only manufactures sunglasses, they lead a revolution against Luxxotica monopoly. This fact, mixed up with -50% sale, convinced me and my friends to place an order 2 months ago. DHL has delivered the package, ordered sunglasses are amazing, everything is ok until I loose my pair. The sale is over and Hawkers isn’t a cheap thing for a student in Poland.

Was I going to buy a new, cheap counterpart? No. I decided to put all my knowledge of copywriting, storytelling and other “soft skills” and write to Hawkers:

Dear Hawkers,

Two days ago, when temperature was so high, he has appeared. I had not seen him, nor heard him. The terrible monster of a Bad Luck had attacked me and made my lovely Carbon Black ones disappeared. Friends helped me but we were unable to fight him and find my precious glasses.

I loved them. Hawkers are amazing but my thin wallet is not able to buy me a new pair. So before I will be forced to buy some cheap, plastic-fantastic glasses I thought that maybe it’s worth to ask you if there’s any chance that you are able to defeat the Bad Luck monster with a new pair?

May the force be with you,


Reply has come in less than 48h. But before revealing it, I would like you to reread my mail looking for a part where I say what I did and what Hawkers can do. See? I did not lose my glasses, I loved them. What about Hawkers? Are they strong enough to defeat a monster?

Honest flattery and pushing yourself to a second plan is a powerful framework. I lost my glasses and I want a new one. But who cares about that? People tend to think only about themselves even if they say otherwise. That’s why my mail has nothing direct about the fact that I lost my glasses. Moreover, when you put people’s abilities in question, they are most likely to roll up their sleeves and shout: “I can’t do it!? I will show you!”.

In this case, the power of manufacturer is being questioned. It’s like asking for the proof that they lead a revolution. Do you like to fail? Perhaps no. No one does and that’s why people start to act. You may learn about that from Dale Carnegie’s eternal bestseller.

Now, here is the Hawker’s reply:

Hello Tomasz,

To be sure, you mean the Carbon Black — Dark one model or the Warwick model?
Choose wisely.

May the force be with you,

Wow! Did you note how they care about their customer? Those people want to be sure which model we exactly talk about! You also have a feeling that they are going to send me a new sunglasses, don’t you? What a fast process! If a customer service has to be quick and troubleshooting, it must be guaranteed one of two things: the power to decide or that no decision process will last too long. Without that we are sentenced to “inefficient customer service”.

It’s important to understand what causes the inefficiency. Because instead of accusing those poor folks from customer service we should start thinking and looking for a solution. It is not their fault that some processes are too long. If you are interested in how to act in such situations you should read this book. I find it most useful in any situation which seems to be hopeless.

Back to our story. It was Friday evening and I was asked what model of glasses I want. I replied shortly:

Carbon Black — Dark One model, I mean the best one :)

I truly think that this model is splendid. On Monday, 10am, a new mail has appeared in my inbox: Your order is being processed. Sent by Hawkers! My great joy was increased by a following mail which came 3 hours later:

Hello Tomasz,
Force is flowing right now… with surprises!!!
All the best!!!

Did they say surprises!? OMG! What surprises!? I was really happy because the force was with us. Oh, the force. Have you noticed how they stuck to the Star Wars concept of the force? They feel it because they are not a stiff, old-school contact center workers.

They are a Customer Experience Jedi and their task is not to stop you from complaining but to answer your needs. It is amazing change in handling moaning clients and I must admit that such approach is increasingly common. I felt the power so I replied:

Dear Hawkers,
I have known that you have the power! You are great!
Should I have your permission to share this awesome customer story in one of my Medium posts?

And in reply to that I got this final message:

Of course, we are glad you are a happy customer.
Keep on the light side!

They have achieved it: a happy customer. Not only a consumer but a customer who will share his story and recommend Hawkers sunglasses to everyone who needs ones! By putting a smile on my face they marked me as a one with higher life time value. Because not only I will spent more money on their glasses but also my friends, whom I share the story with.

The punch line?

By believing that a company may care about customers I was presented with two new pairs of Hawkers sunglasses. Luck? I don’t think so because I did nothing special. I just asked… in an uncommon way. But what stops you from being creative? Shake your brain next time and start getting more! Everyone wants a customer like you!

Books which I found inspiring in last years:

  1. Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life
  2. How to Win Friends & Influence People
  3. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
  4. Magia słów. Jak pisać teksty, które porwą tłumy
  5. Biblia copywritingu



Tomasz Urbaszek

Opportunity seeker, software engineer, open source enthusiast.